dog food pack
Big Dog Food Pack Bag Doypack Bags Cat Food Pouches
1. The large capacity pet food pouch have various sizes from 2.5kg, 7.5kg, 8kg,12kg,15kg 20kg. 2. Our pet food pouches, using sustainable and eco-friendly packaging materials, has become a key product for many brand recently.
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Premade Pouch Animal Food Packaging For Pedigree Dog Food Package
"1. Premade pet food pouch offers quality package materials and designs that help keep pet food safe during production and packaging. 2. Premade pouch helps protect pet food during distribution with its durable structure and proper closures. It also helps increase shelf life and shelf appeal. 3. Reclosable pet food packaging offers better functionality for the consumer. 4.Premade pouch is recyclable and appeals to Eco-Minded Consumers."
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Recyclable PE Doypack Pouches
LD Pack’s Doypack pouch, with only one material PE, is the real recyclable packaging. Flexible packages can be recycled only after the layers composited had been separated, as most of flexible packages are made from different types of film laminated together. Our doypack use pure PE structure, so that the recycling can be carried out directly without the rigmarole material separating process. Even though we use only PE material for recycling packaging, our PE film could achieve the same good printing effect as that of ordinary printing material film.
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Recyclable Plastic Dog Food Packaging Pouches
In LD PACK, dog food packaging is regarded as one of the most important production and business projects in terms of plastic packaging as it is firmly believed by our whole company that good quality dog food should be accompanied by high-quality and durable dog food pouches which can successfully pass the falling test (The test proves that dropping our pouches from 1 meter height and the pouch still remains unbroken). Dog food packaging pouches, as one of our key items, have features of recyclability. Among all kinds of the recyclable plastic pouches, dog food packaging pouches has the characteristics of large capacity and excellent display performance. In addition, LD PACK is one of the few flexible-packaging-pouch-producing enterprises that can produce recyclable dog food packaging with large capacity of 15kg.
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